The Two Dogs

A man has a dog named death it demands all of his attention consumes everything around him. The owner at first liked the feeling of being empowered by such an ungodly creature. He thinks he controls him but as time goes by, he realizes that death has consumed his world. He tries to get rid of him but he always comes back.

He cries out to the creator for help, another dog appears, and his name is life. Death is scared of life so he goes and hides in his cage. The man locks the cage and plays with life.  Peace comes over him and confusion is gone. Life is a gentle and smart creature.  He is solid white with blue eyes.  When he goes on a walk with life the people that were afraid of him laugh at him now.  He just smiles and goes on.  Life does not know a stranger so people come up, touch him, and love on him.

One day he was on a walk with life and a boy tried to hit him.  He did not growl or bite he just rolled over and waged his tail. “Life you have to learn to protect yourself or you will get hurt.” He says.  Life looks at him barks like saying you are my protector.

As the days and months went by the new wore off.  He got tired of doing good deeds and protecting life. He heard an old friend howling. Death had become skinny and lonely.  In his howls, he could hear him calling his name and he remembered the fun they had drinking, drugs, dirty movies, and being mean to people. He missed the days of worldliness. The next day he took a big steak, fed it to death, and let him out.  As he takes death for a walk, he can hear life howling in the house crying for him to stop.

“I will be back.  I need to take death for a walk.” He says.  Once they leave the yard, death wanted to play at the park.  He is happy and acting like he did when he was a pup. “Maybe death has changed his ways and we can become friends again.”

They come back and death kindly goes back to his cage and wags his tail.  He goes into the house with life and loves on him. The next day he is sitting with life and hears death howling for him once again.  He gets up and life tries to stop him from going outside.  “It will be ok he won’t hurt me.” He says.

He goes outside and sees death in the front yard waiting for him.  He is a beautiful black dog with green eyes and he is not alone, his friends are with him.   Death jumps him, knocks him to the ground, and begins to bite him. The man begins to yell for life to come help him.  He tries to get out of the house but the man had locked the doors.  Life is howling and barking. The demons are laughing and cursing. Near to death, the man calls upon the creator again.  The creator comes, knocks death off him, and causes the demons to flee.  He opens the front door and life come running out and fights with death and wins.  The creator puts death back into his cage and looks at the man, “until the appointed time both dogs will exist.  Whom you decide to feed will be your master. It is your choice.”

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