Our Father

My mom and I were talking last night. We were talking about my son that had past. She told me about a conversation she had with a certain person and ask them a question. Was he a good enough person to come to his funeral and that person said no. I am so glad my God is better than that. He was at thomas’ funeral. A few month before he passed he gave his heart back to the Lord. He is just as precious to the Father as any of us.

My Parents

​Alot of times the ones that help us are never recognized or thanked. There is a man I know that all my life he has never stopped helping others. As one of his children i did not understand why. I do now. 
There is also a woman that stood with him no matter how bad things got. They disagreed many times and satan tried to tear them apart. 
Today they stand together. They are my parents. My Dad’s giving heart may seemed to cost him in different ways. I know he has awards waiting on him when he meets his eternal father and would not be the man he is without my mother. 
The last few years have been hard on them with the lose of my sister and others. For a moment they lost their vision of what God has. 
As earthly things seem to vanish and fade away  I see my dad and mom standing up once again and taking their place in the front lines of this spiritual war. 
Larry Grable and Jackie Eberhart Grable thank you from the bottom of my heart for never giving up and all the prayers you sent my way and helped me during my lost years. I could not ask for better parents. Deb


​Have you ever felt a strong feeling of rage or hurt that would take you down to your knees and want to give up?  At that point there is a decision to be made do you go with the feelings and let them control you or do you stand and say  no I am not controlled by emotion my life belongs to Christ and keep moving forward. When your in the soul saving business you always find resistant. The devil will use people closes to you to stop you.  Sometimes it don’t even feel worth it. Then you remember your just a vessel and God has the grand plan and just have to go with it. If you do it unto Christ then you don’t have to worry about getting hurt. When we try to be king and savior is when we are let down.


PATIENCE is a virtue. 

ALINE yourself with His word.

TENDERLY love one another. 

INSIDE His heart is pure. 

EVERYTHING in His timing. 

NOTHING is too big for God. 

COURAGE to stand out. 

EVER lasting love. 

Amazing Grace

​When you walk with Him you stay far from sin. When you keep your heart pure you invite Him in. 

Don’t let satan deceive you his truth is only pretend. Don’t forget who is God you are His and He will defend  
Hold to the hand that is true your love He will be renewed. Hold to the word that He gives you plant it into your heart to be viewed