If Your HisĀ 

There are so many people that are going through one thing or another right now. It is depressing if you look at it from the natural. God it waiting to do a miracle if we believe. God wants to bring us comfort if we let Him. God wants to forgive us if we forgive. God wants to heal our broken heart if we allow. Remember His way is higher then ours. He sees the big picture. Stay positive and hide in His arms.

Make time countĀ 

Life is busy right now. My parents are home bound at this time, My mother in law is recovering at home also. My husband and I live the closet to them  so we get called upon to take care of them. My husband runs a business from home and I work at a shelter for children and it is summer time so work has been demanding. This time in our lives it is consumed with taking care of others. My husband was complaining yesterday about things I turned around and said, “I would rather have it this way because the other option is they are passed away. I would rather be extra busy by taking care of my love ones then just having a memory. Make time count with other before their gone.