To you my Love

Dear Father 

Thank you for your grace and love. Thank you for loving me when I did not love myself. I have loved you as far back as I can remember. You have always been with me and took care of me in the many dark hours I lived through. I know matter what I go through you will be there. You have never let me down. There has been times I did not understand but you were still there. Forgive me for the times I let worldly things consume my time and pull me away. You are a wonderful daddy. 

This morning I pray for the ones that are alone and need you to fill their hearts with your love and peace. I pray for the ones that need a special touch and hope that they will be ok. Heal the broken hearted and heal the broken lives. Your daughter 

Broken Heart

Dear Lord, my heart is heavy and my body is tired. Thanksgiving is about families getting together. This year once again i won’t have my children near. Give me the strength to make it through once again. Cover my boys and their families with your mercy and grace. If it is possible give Thomas a hug for me. It will be 13 years since he was murdered and taken from me. Grief is here once again. I will cry my tears once again and let my heart hurt for him then move on. 

Your daughter