I Speak Life

The last year is what I called a valley year. My dad had a surgery that got infected. We spent the whole year trying to save his foot. God would tell me what to pray.  The cycle was get  infected , end up in hospital,  come home on iv antibiotics. We did it three times. The foot is healed in my eyes. In the physical it is almost there. I felt like I could breath. We made it through Harvey and mom’s melt down and she is doing alot better. 

I found out in December I had a dangerous mole on my leg. No big deal to me. God has it. Then dad goes to a urologist and they do a specialized blood test then  they do 14 biopsies. One came back positive. My first reaction is noooooo. When people ask me all I say is it a positive result. I will not claim it. I WILL SPEAK LIFE. 

This journey has just begun. It could be a long journey or a short one GOD only knows. I look back this last year I would not change it. God has done some much and my family had grown closer. He had taught me how important it is to watch my words.