His Forgiving Love

This a piece of the story I am finishing. This is a fictional character. 

My name is Frank Garret, A long time ago I gave my life to the Lord. I let pride and ambition come in my heart and take the place  of God’s love. Things happened to my family that tore us apart and caused me to questioned His love and truth. God was and is never the problem it was me. I was busy trying to be a professional preacher and living by man’s rules I destroyed my daughter. Through my selfishness I rejected my granddaughter at birth and sent her into a hellish world. When I realized what I had done and the lies I believed I could not contain myself anymore. I resigned from the ministry and locked myself away in my house. I prayed every day for my children to come home. I am standing here today to say God has brought them home plus more. He healed me inside and out. I still feel the  calling that He put on me years ago.