Healing of The Heart

It has been 15 years since the worst day of my life happened. Nov 28, 2004 I was a single mom of three boys and it was thanksgiving weekend. We had two other children in my home that morning. 4:30 am Sunday morning a man broke into my home and cause harm to the ones I loved and me. A fight to survive began and in this fight, my oldest son lost his life protecting his family.

The Monday before this, I set on my sofa crying out to the Lord and wanted to rebuild my relationship with Him. I was so lost at this point in my life even though I belonged to Him. I had let the hurts in my heart take over this separated me from my first love, my heavenly Father.

After Thomas died, I was still lost with a bigger hole in my heart. I tried to keep going for my other two boys. I did not realize how broken I was. I tried to love and take care of them but that is hard to do when you are shattered yourself.

God knew what He was doing. He heard my cries. I was walking home from work one day. I heard His voice again. He told me I had two choices, go home and live for Him or stay here and live for yourself.

I called my parents and my Dad came and picked me up. The journey was not easy but worth it. He had a lot of cleaning up to do in my heart to use me. He let me fall to pieces where He could fix me right. I stand now a whole person put back together with God’s glue.

You do not have to stay broken or lost. The master is waiting to help you if you let Him. His love, mercy and grace will put you back together the right way.