Meet Them Where they are

Meet them where they are and remember you plant the seeds others water and I make them grow. God

I was looking at my house. My house is old and need of repair. I do not let many people see it because it is embarrassing. My life is busy taking care of others I forget to take of my things and me. God is teaching me balance. I lived a life of unbalance for a long time. The last five years or so I have been a journey of healing of me. He started on the inside to the out. I understand now what the Lord has been trying to teach me.

When we meet people, we only see what they want us to see. Some are quiet, pleasant and know all the right words but on the inside, they are in hell yelling for help. Other people are loud and pushing you away because they are afraid to let you close then there are ones that will hide at all cost and live in the shadows of everyone else (that was I, the caretaker). A positive note there are the ones that have made the journey that I am on and God has fixed them.  I could keep going but you get my point.

People can be like my house. They are afraid to show you themselves because they are afraid of rejection or do not even know who they really are. That is why we meet them where they are at and do not judge what we see. God is our judge and knows us inside and out. Take people as you meet them because they may be having a bad or good moment in their lives and that is what you will see.

But God commended His love toward us, in that, while were sinners, Christ died for us. KJV Romans 5V8