My salvation

When we experience abuse, hurt or loss pain and anguish tries to become our friend. When someone hurts us pain whispers in our ear to strike back or run. The anger will take over if we let it and we will use it as a shield to protect from further wounds. The pain of the festering wound becomes like a sword to strike out with. As this cycle grows we fall into a victim or bully role. The wound becomes a cancer in our heart. The voice behind the pain is the one of the deceiver. As he spits his lies and wraps his arms around us, he pours salt into the wound and causes it to become worse. That was the hold he had on me. His voice became so loud that l could not hear the voice of the redeemer and feel the hand of the one that could save me.

My redeemer

This is what God did for me suffering years of violence and abuse. I became trapped in a cycle of pain and being abused. He protected me and He stayed with me. When I became tired and life forced me to take a hard look at what was going on Jesus stepped in. He had never left me He was always their. When I cried and said enough is enough and I needed Him. He knew I was ready and He started peeling me like a onion. Every evil and negative thing that was stuck away in me He slowly removed. The biggest thing I had to do is learn to forgive and let Him pull the dark roots out of my spirit. The hardest thing was learning to forgive myself.