Time to Fly

At first I thought I seen many coffins with bodies in them. As I got closer I seen live spirits all lite up with the spirit of God. They were trapped by the old man. The voice said, “it is time to break off the dead crust of the old man and shine for me.

I am here for you

Then He showed me a butterfly 🦋 ready to come out of his cocoon. A butterfly has to force his way out where he can live again. If the butterfly does not do that he will die and never fly.

God does not want us trapped in the old and the sins of the past. When He forgives us we are forgiven so let go of what it ever it is. The past is gone and we cannot change it. The past is like that cocoon we have to shed it and spread our wings and fly.


My Love For You

Rose of Sharon

The Lord shared something with me this morning while I was singing. The vision I saw was a jacket being taken off.  The spirit spoke and this is what He said.  It is time to let me remove the old and replace it with His glory. He sees our struggles and pain. He is there to help us. The coat He mentions is something we wear everyday and was given to us at birth. It is the natural image we see of ourselves.. it can be negative or positive depending how we were raised and what we have been through.. A lot of us wear a coat of shame, hurt and ect. It covers the diamond inside. He wants to help us to remove the coat the was given to us by the world and replace it with His garment of love, praise and glory.

How can that be done? Only God can help us do that. It starts with salvation. Giving our heart to the Father. He wants to remove the old and replace it with Him. He wants to wrap you up and love you. He wants to consume you with His love.  Learn to trust Him and drop the hurts and the past at His feet. When you let go of what is behind you and embrace Jesus in front of you. That is when things will change.