
From the time we are born to the day we die. There is a battle for our spirit, body and soul. The creator that gave us life is always there knocking at the door πŸšͺ of our hearts πŸ’• wanting us to open up to Him.

See when sin entered the world 🌎  it caused a separation between us and our creator πŸ’”. Since then the enemy of our soul has been trying to destroy anything or anybody that would reconnect us to our Father. Satan is trying to take as many of us with him to hell. He knows how much the Father loves His creation. Satan also knows how much it hurts our Father to watch us suffer.

When Jesus died on the cross Satan lost the keys to the grave. A door was open to bring redemption back to us. Jesus became the doorway to give us hope and reconnect with our Father. The only power Satan has is what we give him.

What is salvation? It is when we recognize our sinful nature then we ask forgiveness. We come as we are. Jesus bore our sins upon the cross ✝️ and died for us. When we renounce our sins they are forgiven.. The creator doesn’tΒ  remember them when He forgives. They are gone and exist no more.

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