The Healing

The Lord did something for me today. In the past I struggled with certain emotions. I have felt unworthy, guilty, unwanted, unloved and just downright cursed. As an adult, I have felt like a failure at about anything I tried to do. I did not understand why I could not get past the mountains of shame and guilt even thou I asked for forgiveness.

As I get closer to my Daddy God, He started peeling me like an onion. He took me back to places in my heart that were damage; He healed and delivered me. Each time He would help me clean out a spiritual closet in my heart He replaced the garbage with His love, mercy and grace. Some of the places He would fix and close the door forever. During my healing process, He showed me how He wants to heal and fix the broken hearts. We have to let Him help us to do this process.

To fast forward to now I have peace in many ways. The things I could not take care of I placed them at Jesus’ feet. I also learned to focus on God and the ones I take care of.

For years, I have struggled with balance in my home, work, family, and walk with God and finances. I would get to a point that I felt like I would make it, something would happen, and things would slide back. I could see hope but never quite made it there. I just felt stuck in the chooses of the past and stuck in a cycle.

Monday morning the spirit told me to go on a fast on certain things. He told me to study on a spirit of poverty and oppression.  I started studying on this subject it is not being poor in the natural. It is a mindset that keeps you from finding peace. It causes you to be selfish and bitter. I gave that up this morning. I feel free of what had kept me down.

Thank you Father for one more step closer to you in our personal relationship. We do not have to stay bound and oppressed. We can make it in the Lord.

A Letter for You

Dear child,

This is for you. I know your pain. I want to take your pain. I want to deliver you of the source of this pain. Remember if you belong to me, I will always be there even if you try to walk away. I love you and will always take care of you. I promise never to use or abuse you. I may say no if I do, it is for your good.  My way is higher than yours is. I will never reject you even if you reject me. When you step through the door called Calvary that is when the adoption is final and you are mine.

You may ask why I do not stop the bad from happening. I have my reasons you will not understand most of the time so just trust me. My angels and I are always defending and protecting you.

When bad things do happen I will either use it for your good or stop it completely. I will always win. This is my world. The day will come when there will be no more evil. All will be right. Until then stay close and I will take care of you.

Love The Creator