Who is with You in the Darkness

My friend ask me how I made it through the dark years of sickness. Thought about it. This what I came up with. The Father, the son and the holy spirit.

Without Jesus I could not have salvation and a relationship with my Daddy God. I found a personal relationship with them when I was young. I also found what I call the holy spirit (spirit of God). I know there is a lot ideas of how it all work.

This is what do know through my own experience. When I connected with my Father and was filled with His fire and His spirit and receive His heavenly language I was changed inside. I still traveled life and fell in some dark pits. But He never left me. He helped me when I was drowning in sin and bad decisions. He saved my life more than once. When I went through the years of sickness He was my rock. He was in the eye of the storm. I found my peace in Him. He healed me to share His message. Every storm is different but if you belong to Daddy God. He will always be there.


In the midst of our struggles with the brokenness in ourselves we can still function. I learned I can rise above my pain by putting my focus else where. Find positive things like reading my Bible, praying 🙏, helping others, positive music etc. The positive will always out weigh the negative if you allow it too.

When we are in the healing process the pain can feel real and overwhelming. Learn to shift your focus off the pain and the thoughts that come with it. Focus on Jesus He is in the eye of the storm. He will bring come comfort, mercy, grace and love.


I seen a field of people. The healing rain began to fall. The rain started washing away things that kept them dirty. Then I seen other dropping boxes of burden at His feet. Then others were getting prayed for.

This is what I heard. Some are cleaned by the healing rain. Some have to lay it down at His feet. Other it will have to be prayed for and the darkness driven out.

We are on the same journey but on different paths. We are all different and God knows what it will take to help us. Have compassion for your brothers and sisters. Pray for them because you don’t know what they are fighting.