Who is with You in the Darkness

My friend ask me how I made it through the dark years of sickness. Thought about it. This what I came up with. The Father, the son and the holy spirit.

Without Jesus I could not have salvation and a relationship with my Daddy God. I found a personal relationship with them when I was young. I also found what I call the holy spirit (spirit of God). I know there is a lot ideas of how it all work.

This is what do know through my own experience. When I connected with my Father and was filled with His fire and His spirit and receive His heavenly language I was changed inside. I still traveled life and fell in some dark pits. But He never left me. He helped me when I was drowning in sin and bad decisions. He saved my life more than once. When I went through the years of sickness He was my rock. He was in the eye of the storm. I found my peace in Him. He healed me to share His message. Every storm is different but if you belong to Daddy God. He will always be there.

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