The Harvest

Discipleship is about us learning from the teacher and taking what we learn to become like the teacher and to help others. The teacher teaches the student, the student learns and takes it to others. We are all teachers either for bad or good. We represent the Father when we are saved and become His child.

In the time of Ruth, fields were picked by hand and took to the threshing floor. Some were left behind for others to find. Jesus did the same. He went to the people one by one and drawed them in. He taught His disciples to do the same. He will find us, heal us and redeem us and send us out to help others.

Remember we are the light that people see. That is why it is important how we speak, treat others and how we live.

Jesus says, “Trust in me, let me lead and teach you. Don’t follow after fast food religion that is being preached. Follow my word. Follow my path and my way. Follow my shepherds that will lead you to me not themselves.

When I chose my disciples I picked them one by one. I taught them and sent them out. They taught my word and touched others as I did for them. Then they pointed others back to me.

This is My Season

This is my season. I will bring healing to my people. The season of darkness is over for now. I am here now to heal my body and rise it up. Come and listen for my spirit and instructions.  There will be a out pouring of my grace and mercy like never before. My glory will fall like rain. Look up and see what I am doing. Time to let go of the past and receive my fresh anointing.