Feb. 18th

My sister and my son

Today is the birthday of two important people in my in my life. Helen is my oldest sister.  She lived her life for the Lord. She played the piano, and when she played, the spirit would fall. At the age of 46, she left us to be with the Lord. She was my hero.

The other is my son, Thomas. He was taken at the age of 16 through the act of violence. He was six months clean from drugs. A few months before, he was murdered.  He gave heart back to the Lord.

While I was singing, the Lord showed me both of them. He told me I love them the same.

He loves his children no matter where they come from.  Some struggle to build a relationship with our creator because of roots and seeds of hurts and sin planted in their lives.  My own life, it took me years to get close to the Lord due to the garbage I carried. He never gave up on me. He loves, carries, and corrects me. He knows what I need to be set free. So I trust Him and keep laying it down till I don’t pick it up again. 

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