Who is with You in the Darkness

My friend ask me how I made it through the dark years of sickness. Thought about it. This what I came up with. The Father, the son and the holy spirit.

Without Jesus I could not have salvation and a relationship with my Daddy God. I found a personal relationship with them when I was young. I also found what I call the holy spirit (spirit of God). I know there is a lot ideas of how it all work.

This is what do know through my own experience. When I connected with my Father and was filled with His fire and His spirit and receive His heavenly language I was changed inside. I still traveled life and fell in some dark pits. But He never left me. He helped me when I was drowning in sin and bad decisions. He saved my life more than once. When I went through the years of sickness He was my rock. He was in the eye of the storm. I found my peace in Him. He healed me to share His message. Every storm is different but if you belong to Daddy God. He will always be there.

What Does He want?

He wants us to open up our hearts and let Him in and become one with us on a personal level. Just like a husband and wife. Then things will change.

We are to trust Him with everything and don’t hold back anything. Let it all go from the small things to the most important.

Let Him love us and have us. He will never hurt, reject, or leave us.

Try Him. THE ALMIGHTY FATHER. Come to Him through His son. JESUS

Healing Process- Acceptance

HEALING is a process. One of the phases of the process is acceptance. This is what I learned.

1. I learned to accept that what has happened to me was not my fault and I cannot go back and change it. I am talking about child abuse and trauma.

2. I learned to accept my love 💓 one is not here and will not come back. God will help me live with out them.

3. I learned that my past cannot hurt me unless I hold onto it. Accept, forgive and release to find freedom.

4. I learned to accept help and healing from Jesus. He set me free from the demons 😈 that haunted me.

5. I learned to forgive and let God replace my grief with His peace.

6. Most of all I learned to forgive myself and accept I am not perfect and cannot make it without Jesus.


From the time we are born to the day we die. There is a battle for our spirit, body and soul. The creator that gave us life is always there knocking at the door 🚪 of our hearts 💕 wanting us to open up to Him.

See when sin entered the world 🌎  it caused a separation between us and our creator 💔. Since then the enemy of our soul has been trying to destroy anything or anybody that would reconnect us to our Father. Satan is trying to take as many of us with him to hell. He knows how much the Father loves His creation. Satan also knows how much it hurts our Father to watch us suffer.

When Jesus died on the cross Satan lost the keys to the grave. A door was open to bring redemption back to us. Jesus became the doorway to give us hope and reconnect with our Father. The only power Satan has is what we give him.

What is salvation? It is when we recognize our sinful nature then we ask forgiveness. We come as we are. Jesus bore our sins upon the cross ✝️ and died for us. When we renounce our sins they are forgiven.. The creator doesn’t  remember them when He forgives. They are gone and exist no more.

He Will Find You

A little girl was running down the hall crying, “Mommy, Mommy where are you?” She had got distracted by a toy when she looked up her mother was gone.

“Lisa I am here.” Her mother shouts behind her.  The little girl stopped and turned around and ran into her arms.  She was safe now, no more fear of being lost.

 As I watched this joyful moment I thought back to the time I was lost in this world by walking away from my Father and His Son, Jesus.  I had got mad and discouraged as my family got hurt by so called Christians.  My daddy is a preacher and as a young child that was my world.  I loved going to church and watching my dad demonstrate God’s love, that made me want it too.  Becoming a teenager I was lacking self esteem and confidence.  I began to question everything I was taught and started comparing my life to others and became confused and disillusioned.   A door opened to God’s arch enemy to step in.

 Satan biggest plan was and is to divide and conquer.  He has been doing that from the beginning of time, even with Adam and Eve. This is also what Satan was doing in my family.  He knew if he could tear our family apart it would be for his benefit.

I watched my family fall apart as I was drifting away toward the ways of the world.  Looking back now and I was Eve being enticed by the fruit that was forbidden.

 I was still going to church but still searching for love and acceptance like most teenagers.  Being unhappy with myself and my life I started searching for love in all the wrong places.  I started drinking, smoking, and doing the things that other people said were fun.  When I stepped off that cliff it was a long fall.

I ended up marrying the first guy that asked.  He was an addict and an abusive one on top of it.  Marrying him was my way out of my parent’s home.  I was bitter and confused about my whole life and stopped caring about anything.  Then I told God, “I tried it your way and it did not work; now I am going to try it my way.”

Two months into my marriage I became pregnant. During my pregnancy I began to grow up and something else happened also.  I remember even thou I was not living right, I could still feel His presence.  I still prayed everyday and figured I could have my cake and eat it too.  There was a day I remember very well; it was the day I could not feel the presence of the Lord and become afraid and like the little girl at the beginning.  I began to search for what I had lost.

It took me two marriages, three children, a loss of my oldest son, and years of pain to get back to where I started from as a teenager.  It was never God’s doing, it was my doing.  I made my choices and had to live with them.

Since I have made the choice to serve the Lord no matter what, He has turned my life around and gave me peace with in.  The true meaning of our lives is not about money or fame; it is about how we live for the one that has given us life.  We were not just put here to live and die. We were put here for much more.

Adam and Eve were made in the likeness of God.  God made them where He would have someone to commune with.  When sin entered the world a wall was put between God and man.  When Jesus gave his life for our sins that wall was torn down.  Now we have a chance to find what we are really searching for.  Salvation is just not saying God forgive me of my sins, it is a lifestyle change.  Closer you get to God more you will become like him.

If you are not happy with your life and want something different turn toward heaven and call his Name.  If you know His name and have walked away just turn back around He will be there.  The one thing about God you do not have to search very long to find him, He is always there.  Just remember it is a life’s journey to be one of the chosen few, God’s children.