The Great Event

We can not change the things of the past. As children, we have not chosen what family we were born into or lived with. Some of us ended up with a healthy family and grew up loved. Others grew up in an environment where we struggled to survive, and love was twisted and warped. We can have a good childhood, but one event can change our perspective and path.

Nomatter what journey we have traveled from being a child to adult there is one event in our life that can totally change things for us. That event is when we meet the son of our creator. Jesus came down in person and gave His own life to open the door that was shut a long time ago. This door is where we enter to meet our creator, our heavenly Father, Daddy God, whatever you want to call Him. From the beginning of time, He has wanted to be with us. It broke His heart when Adam and Eve disobeyed and turned their back on Him. They made a choice that totally changed the path for the human race.

When we reach the age of accountability that is when our choices count. Some choices don’t amount to much, but others can change our whole world.

These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: as thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
John 17:1‭-‬3 KJV

The Mansion

The heart ❤️ is like a mansion with many rooms. When a heart is in good shape, it is like living a beautiful home that is dressed up and clean. The rooms are where we put past events that we have closed the door on. They hold good and bad memories. Without God dwelling in the mansion, death and sin live there. They will consume every part of our being. Without Salvation through Christ, we are sentenced to death.

When we open the door to Christ and let Him enter into our living room, we start building a relationship with Him. He will make us clean and drive out the sin through forgiveness. As we build a relationship with Him, the spirit of God will become our house cleaner. He will dust the furniture, vacuum the floors, etc. The Father knows everything that exists in the mansion. He will not get rid of anything unless we agree. He will not repair anything unless we allow Him, too.

that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
Ephesians 3:16‭-‬21 KJV

The Harvest

Discipleship is about us learning from the teacher and taking what we learn to become like the teacher and to help others. The teacher teaches the student, the student learns and takes it to others. We are all teachers either for bad or good. We represent the Father when we are saved and become His child.

In the time of Ruth, fields were picked by hand and took to the threshing floor. Some were left behind for others to find. Jesus did the same. He went to the people one by one and drawed them in. He taught His disciples to do the same. He will find us, heal us and redeem us and send us out to help others.

Remember we are the light that people see. That is why it is important how we speak, treat others and how we live.

Jesus says, “Trust in me, let me lead and teach you. Don’t follow after fast food religion that is being preached. Follow my word. Follow my path and my way. Follow my shepherds that will lead you to me not themselves.

When I chose my disciples I picked them one by one. I taught them and sent them out. They taught my word and touched others as I did for them. Then they pointed others back to me.


I seen a field of people. The healing rain began to fall. The rain started washing away things that kept them dirty. Then I seen other dropping boxes of burden at His feet. Then others were getting prayed for.

This is what I heard. Some are cleaned by the healing rain. Some have to lay it down at His feet. Other it will have to be prayed for and the darkness driven out.

We are on the same journey but on different paths. We are all different and God knows what it will take to help us. Have compassion for your brothers and sisters. Pray for them because you don’t know what they are fighting.

What Does He want?

He wants us to open up our hearts and let Him in and become one with us on a personal level. Just like a husband and wife. Then things will change.

We are to trust Him with everything and don’t hold back anything. Let it all go from the small things to the most important.

Let Him love us and have us. He will never hurt, reject, or leave us.

Try Him. THE ALMIGHTY FATHER. Come to Him through His son. JESUS

Healing Process- Acceptance

HEALING is a process. One of the phases of the process is acceptance. This is what I learned.

1. I learned to accept that what has happened to me was not my fault and I cannot go back and change it. I am talking about child abuse and trauma.

2. I learned to accept my love 💓 one is not here and will not come back. God will help me live with out them.

3. I learned that my past cannot hurt me unless I hold onto it. Accept, forgive and release to find freedom.

4. I learned to accept help and healing from Jesus. He set me free from the demons 😈 that haunted me.

5. I learned to forgive and let God replace my grief with His peace.

6. Most of all I learned to forgive myself and accept I am not perfect and cannot make it without Jesus.

Amazing Grace

Lord I need you not because of suffering or lack.

I need you because you are my Father, my God, my creator and my crafter. You are the one that holds me together and loves me.

Your perfect love is what I want and need. This is what fills every broken 💔 spot in my life. You are the super glue that put me back together.

A Mother’s Love

When I became a mother, a bond formed that will never be broken. The baby is in my arms, I look into his eyes, a love begins to grow, and my heart is his. The baby grows and meets milestones and his personality appears. Dreams start to develop for him and his future.  We are one and he depends on me to help him grow.

 During the process of becoming independent and an adult, he starts breaking the apron strings in ways that cause my heart to hurt then other ways my heart grows with pride.

 I am a mother of three boys each one is different.  My youngest broke his apron strings early and became independent.  My middle son I had to cut the apron strings to make him fly.  My oldest son’s strings were severed through death.

 No matter what kind of adult they become, I will love them until the end. Sometimes my love has to be tough and take measures to help them survive. Then other times I get lucky and just get to love them with out any pain.

From the time, they were born until the day I go live with my Father I will always love them no matter where they go or what they do.  My heart is always theirs.

 That is a Mother’s Love

 D.D.Parsons 01/31/16