The Onion

Our heart is like an onion. Everything we put in it becomes a layer, good or bad. When we get saved, Jesus takes our sins. He washes us clean. The onion is still there because the onion is part of us. From the time we are born, the onion is being formed.

As we grow physically and spiritually, this onion is formed. Some of us grow up in a well-balanced environment (no abuse or crisis). So, the onion inside is formed with healthy layers. When we meet the Lord, He washes us clean, forgives our sins, and polishes our onion, then He starts adding His layers.

Others like myself have a damaged onion. When we meet the Lord, He washes us clean, forgives our sins, and then must repair the onion before He adds His layers.  I met the Lord at a young age. I grew up in a Christian home. My father was a minister. Church was a big part of my life.  As I grew up, things happened. I hit the age of eighteen and was disillusioned with church and life. I told God I tried it your way, and nothing worked, so I am going to try it my way. I jumped in the hole of sin and rebellion and kept falling at a full rate of speed. I had no love for myself or others. I wondered the wilderness for about twenty years.

My changing point was after my son died in a home invasion. I was still trying to do it on my own. I was still lost. I was tired of being sick and tired. About a week before my son was murdered, I cried out to the Lord. I wanted my relationship back with Him. I was ready for some peace, but all I seemed to find was sorrow and bad choices.

After my son had died, I moved to a place by Fort Worth, TX. I found a small church in a store front. They loved on us and fixed my car for me. I was walking home one day from work. I heard a voice that stopped me in my tracks. The voice told me I had two choices. The first one is to go home and live for Him or stay here and live for myself. Home was and is Brazoria County. I called my dad, and he came and picked us up.  I was still lost in myself, but now I had direction.  I started giving my life back to the Lord. He started working on me. It was a slow process at first. My onion was rotten and ready to be thrown away. Instead, He pulled it apart and found the seed He planted back in me a long time ago. When I came back home, I was eating with mom at a local restaurant, and I was discouraged. I was tired of starting over. I made a comment to that extent. I went to the bathroom and heard that voice again. He said my foundation was wrong. He had to fix it where He could build on it. The journey was not easy, but once I totally gave Him me and everything that was in my life, it got better. He showed me we don’t have to stay broken.  He can fix us if we let Him.  It will hurt sometimes but will be worth it as we move forward and leave our past behind.

Bad Choices

This is the first paragraphs of the book I am working on.

Gary wakes up and he can l his head pounding thinking about what happened last night.  His memories are coming slow or not at all.  His first memory is meeting up with friends after he had went out of his bedroom window. He remembers  John gave him a cup of something and told him to drink it and he would fly to keep from looking stupid he just drank it that is the last thing he remembers.

While he lays there he could hear his brother making his way to the bathroom.  Being two he likes to bounce off of the walls so every time he did it sent a sharp pain through his head. “I better get up before my mom comes looking for me.” He says. Climbing out of the bed Gary realizes his clothes are wet and have the odor of beer and sea water. He quickly grabs a pillow case and takes off his wet clothes and puts them in it.  Gary makes the bed and hides the wet clothes in the closet.  Putting on his robe and grabbing clean clothes he quietly goes to the bathroom and opens the door and steps back; his little brother is sitting on the floor playing with the toilet paper.

“What are you doing?” He yells.  Jimmy gets up and runs out of the bathroom. Gary closes the door and locks it. He sits his clothes down and goes over to the shower and bends down and turns the water on.  When he stands up his head starts to spinning next thing he knows his world goes dark.